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Sustainability Technology

Embrace Eco-Friendly Comfort: The Sustainability of Insulation Materials

Posted By alfredo

Hiring a dumpster rental to discard old insulation materials

Using a dumpster rental to discard old insulation materials is an efficient method for both small and large renovation projects. You must choose a dumpster size appropriate for your project’s size so that you have enough space for all construction debris without overloading, or it will cost you more to hire two containers.

Renting a dumpster will simplify your waste disposal process, providing a convenient location for collecting old your insulation materials, such as fiberglass, foam or cellulose. This way you can keep your workspace organized and free from hazardous clutter, enhancing safety during renovations or cleanouts.

When renting a such a waste dumpster, remember to inquire about specific guidelines for insulation disposal, as some materials may require special handling due to potential health hazards. Use protective gear while handling insulation materials to avoid skin irritation and respiratory issues. Most dumpster rental services (check here https://sandyspringsdumpsterrental.org/) will offer you flexible pick-up and drop-off schedules, making it easy to manage your time and workflow.

Before starting your renovation project, use a dumpster rental to optimize your disposal process, follow local waste regulations (check here https://rules.sos.state.ga.us/gac/511-3-4), and contribute to an environmentally responsible cleanup, improving sustainability in your area.

Linen insulation materials

For more than 5,000 years, linen has been used as a raw material for various everyday products (check here https://uk.moderndane.com/blogs/the-modern-dane-blog/the-history-of-linen), for example as canvas for clothing or as flax seeds in food. The material contains natural bitter substances that make it resistant to pests, rot and mold. It is also characterized by great dimensional stability: linen insulation retains its initial volume once installed, because it does not shrink. In addition, linen is particularly easy to work with: simply cut it with scissors or a knife.

As an ecological insulation, linen wool finds a wide range of uses:

  • Insulation panels
  • Walls
  • Ceilings
  • Attic layout
  • Blown insulation
  • Attic layout
  • Non-woven Floors
  • Backfill supporting the load under floors
  • Filling the space under the ceilings
  • Window sealing
  • Door sealing

You can easily compost linen insulation or use it as plant mulch, as long as it is made without artificial additives. This is often the case with linen fill, blown insulation, filling material, linen felt and linen strips.

Hemp, a natural insulator

Hemp is best known for making textiles, paper, oil and for medical applications, but is increasingly used in the construction sector. Ecological hemp insulation is well tolerated by the skin and can be used without generating a lot of dust. Hemp insulation materials have a positive effect on the indoor climate, they regulate humidity, have natural protection against mold and pests and offer excellent protection against heat in summer. Thanks to their natural character, they are also suitable for allergy sufferers.

Hemp insulation for

  • Walls (between timbers)
  • Roofs (insulation between rafters and on the roof)
  • Floors
  • Filling wool Insulation for walls, roofs (between rafters and on the roof)
  • Hemp shives for floor construction
  • Hemp nonwovens for sound insulation against impact noise

Ecological jute insulation

Jute insulation is a modern upcycling product. Although they originate from Bangladesh and India, jute insulation is nevertheless durable for the local market. Jute is produced in producing countries from a tropical plant, the Latin name corchorus (corchorus). This is transformed into jute bags which are used to transport coffee and cocoa beans and which thus arrive in America.

Recently, insulating materials have been made from these jute bags. Indeed, rather than ending up in landfill or incinerated, as was previously the case, they are recycled. Thus, jute packaging has a second life.

Jute insulation boards and nonwovens are suitable for all variants of roof insulation, for the insulation of wooden beam ceilings as well as for the insulation of exterior and interior wooden frame walls, partitions wood-framed and metal-framed walls. Jute insulation provides excellent heat protection, is mold resistant, contains no proteins or starch, and is therefore not vulnerable to insects or rodents.

Insulate naturally with sheep wool

Sheep wool is an agricultural by-product that should not be grown specifically for use as environmentally friendly insulation. This raw material has many advantageous characteristics. Its use is very varied. You can use sheep’s wool to insulate roofs, walls, ceilings, exterior facades and in log construction. Natural insulation is also suitable for acoustic construction, plant construction, insulation of technical equipment such as cooling and ventilation systems, window construction and insulation of room noise.

This natural material is distinguished by one particularity: it has an extremely long lifespan. Under normal conditions, when sheep’s wool insulation is not exposed to high UV radiation or constant humidity, it does not undergo traditional aging processes and no chemical decomposition takes place. Sheep wool as an ecological insulation also has the following characteristics:

  • good thermal protection
  • water-regulating
  • eliminates harmful substances
  • elasticity
  • dimensional stability

Sheep wool insulation is susceptible to moth infestation. This is why they must be treated with sodium borate, a product that is harmless to health and the environment, which also has a flame retardant effect. This substance can, however, lose its adhesion to sheep’s wool after a few years and thus become ineffective.

Reed, a natural insulator

Reed has been used as a building material for thousands of years. It is best known in coastal regions of American states for roof coverings. Reed can also be used as ecological insulation, for example in the form of panels or mats as a plaster support. Reed mats or panels may be subject to harvest fluctuations. The material is moisture resistant, thermal and acoustic insulating. Thanks to its high weight, it has a thermo- and water-regulating effect. The reed-based insulation ensures a pleasant indoor climate. Afnor standardization provides other information on biosourced insulation.

All the above methods lead to intelligent waste management as well (check here https://dpad-magazine.com/waste-revolution-pioneering-the-city-of-tomorrow-with-intelligent-waste-management/). So let’s all provide a more sustainable America!

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  • 4 months ago
waste management in Madison, WI

Global Warming Nature Technology

Waste Revolution: Pioneering the City of Tomorrow with Intelligent Waste Management

Posted By alfredo

What intelligent waste management for the city of tomorrow

Today’s technological innovations aim to improve life tomorrow, while also seeking to reduce costs, protect our environment and establish a true circular economy. This is also true with regard to waste management: the goal is to succeed in recycling as much garbage as possible, to limit collection transportation and to rid urban areas of the thousands of trash cans that sit on the sidewalks.

Are we capable of meeting this challenge? Good news: it seems that many initiatives have already seen the light of day all over the world and are in full development, just waiting to be improved to be adapted in all major cities. Want to know more ? Urbyn shows you what waste management could look like in our cities in a few years!

Why imagine a new intelligent way to manage waste

Like almost everywhere in the world, the population continues to grow in Wisconsin. Result: more and more waste must be incinerated, treated and recycled, in Madison and other Wisconsin cities. From a logistical point of view, it becomes complicated when there is a lack of labor or when material resources are not sufficient. It is not uncommon to see piles of trash piled up on city sidewalks, which end up looking like a landfill. Not only is it unhygienic, it is also relatively unpleasant and unattractive.

Furthermore, we must not forget the cost that this waste management represents for the community. A research study for the year 2022 showed that this service then cost $293 excluding tax per inhabitant. Suffice it to say that on a national scale, this represents a significant sum. Smarter waste management solutions can therefore also be beneficial for the economy, through the reduction of costs linked to collection, recycling, treatment of household waste, management of recycling centers, flows, etc.

What solutions are envisaged to improve waste management

Faced with these challenges, waste management companies have decided to put innovation at the heart of products and services intended to revolutionize waste management in communities, from the smallest towns to large cities.

For almost ten years, many cities in Wisconsin have experimented with the introduction of chips on private dumpsters. How does it work? The chip determines the weight and/or volume of waste in the bin when it is collected, then the household waste tax is calculated based on these figures. In other cases, households are subject to a TOM flat rate, which is increased if the number of bin exits for collection is exceeded.

It is therefore a financial incentive, which pursues two objectives:

  • encourage residents to reduce their volume of household waste, which can be done by opting for zero waste or through the composting of organic waste;
  • promote the recycling of plastics, cardboard, glass, etc. : if these packaging are placed in the sorting bins, they do not clutter up traditional garbage bins.

This system also makes it possible to collect useful data on collection times and frequency, thus making it possible to improve the collection circuit.

Connected trash cans to optimize recycling and collection

To go even further, some companies have opted for connected urban dumpsters which provide additional data: filling rate, composition of the waste thrown away, etc. Thanks to this real-time information and long-term data analysis, communities are able to optimize collection. In fact, it becomes easier to know when it would be wisest to come and empty the skips, so as to avoid unnecessary journeys.

In the end, there are fewer CO2 emissions and savings made.

In the future, we could also see our cities equipped with smart urban trash cans capable of recycling our waste themselves. How is this possible? Thanks to materials detection and Internet of Things technologies. The principle is actually quite simple: when waste lands in the trash can, the latter is able to determine what it is, then direct it to the corresponding underground bin (bins for plastics, for metals, for organic waste, for cardboard, etc.).

Thanks to a system connected to collection services, it is then possible to automatically inform them that a bin is full and that it must be taken to the corresponding incineration or sorting center. Here again, flows can be optimized and sorting errors considerably reduced.

Underground collection to reduce road transport flows

In Wisconsin, cities like Madison have been experimenting with faster collection. Collective bins are thus connected to sorting centers by pipes, which allow the consumer’s waste to be sent directly to the place where it will be recycled. By promoting the development of this solution throughout the urban territory, it is possible to almost completely do without collection trucks.

Fewer greenhouse gas emissions, less road traffic and fewer trash cans left on the streets: this system seems to have only advantages. However, this intelligent device involves significant work and is not necessarily suitable for all cities. The fact remains that it is a solution which is attracting more and more communities and which has even been implemented in certain districts of the capital. Could this be the ecological collection of the future?

Transforming waste into a source of energy

What if we allowed the recovery of waste in the city, to eliminate household waste and turn it into resources for the production of more environmentally friendly energy? This circular system already exists in several cities in Wisconsin: waste is collected then goes through the methanization process to become biogas. It is thus possible to power thousands of homes. And organic materials that could not be transformed can be reused for the production of compost.

This system could also see the light of day in private homes: dumpster rental and junk disposal companies have created tanks of a few liters which transform household waste into biogas, directly at home. Despite sometimes being difficult to set up in urban areas, this device nevertheless remains interesting in rural areas, where the terrain often allows the installation of such a tank to power household appliances or the heating system, in almost complete autonomy.

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  • 12 months ago

Nature Technology

Junk Disposal in Georgetown SC

Posted By alfredo

Recycling issues in south carolina

Recycling has become an increasingly important issue in South Carolina as the state moves towards a more sustainable future. With its numerous rivers, streams, and other waterways, South Carolina is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of pollution and waste. In an effort to reduce the amount of waste and pollution, the state has implemented a number of initiatives to promote recycling.

The South Carolina Recycling Act of 1988 established a number of goals and objectives for the state, including reducing the amount of solid waste and pollution, promoting recycling and protecting South Carolina’s natural resources and fighting climate change. To meet these goals, the state has implemented a number of recycling initiatives and programs. The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control has established a number of recycling centers throughout the state that accept a variety of materials, including aluminum cans, glass, plastic, and paper. These centers also promote public education and awareness about the importance of recycling.

Despite these efforts, South Carolina still faces significant recycling issues. The state has a dismal recycling rate of only 17.6%, one of the lowest in the nation. This is largely due to a lack of convenient access to recycling centers, as well as limited public education and awareness of the importance of recycling. Additionally, South Carolina has not implemented a statewide deposit system for recyclable materials, meaning that individuals and businesses have little incentive to recycle.

In order to increase the recycling rate in South Carolina, the state must continue to invest in public education and awareness initiatives, as well as encourage the development of more convenient recycling centers. Additionally, the state should consider implementing a statewide deposit system for recyclable materials to incentivize individuals and businesses to recycle. By taking these steps, South Carolina can reduce its waste and pollution, and move closer to a more sustainable future.

How the city of Georgetown SC helps with waste management

Georgetown, SC is a city that prides itself on its eco-friendly approach to waste management. The city has implemented numerous initiatives over the years to reduce waste and increase recycling. Georgetown has set up a curbside collection program that allows residents to easily recycle paper, glass, aluminum, plastic, and cardboard. The city also has a compost program, which collects yard waste and food scraps, and turns it into nutrient-rich soil.

In addition to its curbside collection program and composting, Georgetown has developed a number of other initiatives to reduce waste. The city has established an industrial waste management program, which helps local businesses reduce, reuse, and recycle their waste. Georgetown also has a hazardous waste collection program, which helps local residents safely dispose of materials that are potentially dangerous.

Finally, Georgetown has implemented an educational program to help residents understand the importance of waste management. The city has created educational materials for schools, businesses, and individuals that discuss the importance of recycling, composting, and other green initiatives. Georgetown also holds events to promote waste reduction, such as an annual “green” fair that encourages citizens to take steps to reduce their waste.

Another junk disposal initiative in Georgetown is the promotion of dumpster rental services. Local companies provide these large bins for a short-term lease so that residents and businesses can discard a large amount of junk in one go. This way they can remove old furniture, construction debris after a renovation, yard waste and much much. These dumpster rental help make the city of Georgetown cleaner.

Georgetown’s waste management efforts have been successful in helping the city reduce its waste and increase its recycling rate. By setting up a comprehensive waste management program, Georgetown has been able to reduce its environmental impact and create a greener, more sustainable city.

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Pollution in Georgia

Posted By alfredo

Georgia is one of the states in the southeast of the United States. One of the region’s most recognizable landmarks is the Appalachian or Smoky Mountains. A pollution problem has hit the state of Georgia.

Air and water pollution in this state are among the worst in the United States, unfortunately. Pollution issues in Georgia are mostly attributable to the state’s reliance on petroleum-based power plants and the lack of stringent environmental legislation. Georgia’s anti-pollution initiatives have advanced slightly in recent years. There is still a great deal of work to be done to guarantee the health of Georgians.

Georgia Pollution Problem

Georgia has a high concentration of Superfund sites or places contaminated by hazardous material and in need of cleaning. The EPA reports that Georgia does have the highest number of Superfund sites of any state.

The pollution situation in Georgia is caused by a variety of sources, including fossil fuel power plants, steel industries, and automobiles. However, there are actions that can be performed to lighten the state’s environmental footprint. Georgia has the eighth-worst smog and the seventeenth-worst particulate emissions in the United States respectively. The problem threatens the public atmosphere as well as public health.

Classifications Of Pollutants

Many polluting industries call Georgia home, and they contribute to the state’s reputation for air and water pollution. Multiple types of pollution afflict the state of Georgia. Pollution’s causes and consequences are not universal because of its varied root causes and manifestations. In all corners of the Peach State, pollution of the air, water, and soil is a pervasive problem.

Georgia has a major problem with air pollution caused by greenhouse gases released by companies and vehicles. Breathing problems and cancer are only two of the many health problems environmental pollution may cause.

Water contamination is a serious problem in Georgia. Exposure to these compounds can cause a variety of health problems, including those affecting the skin, the heart, and the blood vessels. Hazardous waste unloading is a major source of air pollution because of the soil contamination and potential health threats to humans and other organisms that it poses.

State rivers have been contaminated by garbage, sewage, and unused fertilizer. Fish and other species may become ill or die as a direct result of this pollution.

The trash from factory farms is a major cause of water pollution because it is dumped directly into local water sources. The runoff could be contaminated with harmful substances like pesticides and fertilizers. There is a risk of these chemicals polluting drinking water and causing major health problems.

Georgia also suffers from a soil pollution crisis. Examples of potentially dangerous compounds present in these emissions include carbon dioxide and sulfure dioxide.

Pollution’s Repercussions

The numerous rivers, streams, and extensive forests here have made it famous. The rapid growth of Georgia’s population has put pressure on the state’s already-strapped infrastructure. The state is currently predicted to have the fifth-highest population in the United States.

Today, pollution is one of Georgia’s most pressing issues. The increased population and industrialization in this state have led to a surge in air, water, and soil pollution. There have been many negative effects of pollution on Georgia and its population.

The air quality in the state of Georgia has worsened in recent years. Resident’s health is just one facet of society hit hard by the pollution catastrophe in the state.

Air pollution is connected to many different health problems, including respiratory ailments, excessive cholesterol, and even cancer. In addition, it has been linked to decreased life expectancy and an increase in hospitalization.
How Are Efforts Being Made To Lessen Pollution In The Peach State?

Georgia has instituted a variety of laws and programs to safeguard its natural assets and cut down on pollution. Efforts have been made to lessen emissions, conserve energy, and cut down on garbage. The environmental situation in the state has improved because of these efforts.

Not content with these measures alone, the state has also placed strict controls on commercial and industrial institutions to ensure they do not contribute to environmental damage. Thanks to these rules, the state is producing less hazardous trash.

The State Of Georgia Deserves Praise For Its Environmental Protection Initiatives

In recent years, the state of Georgia has seen an increase in pollution, specifically in the form of air pollution. This increase in pollution has had several negative effects on the state, including on the health of its residents.

Air pollution has been linked to several health problems, including respiratory illnesses, heart disease, and even cancer. In addition, it can also lead to shortened lifespans and increased hospitalization rates.
What Is Being Done To Reduce Pollution In Georgia?

The state of Georgia is committed to reducing pollution and protecting the environment. Various programs have been put in place to reduce emissions, conserve energy, and reduce waste. These programs have had a positive impact on the state’s air and water quality.

In addition to these programs, the state has also enacted strict regulations on businesses and factories to ensure that they are not causing pollution. These regulations have been successful in reducing the amount of hazardous waste that is produced in the state. Georgia’s efforts to reduce pollution are commendable and are having a positive impact on the environment.

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Global Warming Nature

What Is Climate Change

Posted By alfredo

Climate Change And Human Activities

Climate change is a issue that impacts our environment, our food supply, and our security. In the past decade, our planet has been undergoing a global change in temperatures and weather patterns.

The industrial revolution, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases have been increasing in the atmosphere. Combustion of fossil fuels for energy, transportation, and other applications. This is like a blanket, trapping in heat and keeping the Earth’s surface warm. Several of the gases are released by natural processes, but the majority of emissions are caused by human activities.

What Are Greenhouse Gases

Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that can either let visible light from the sun in and reflect it back to space. They are particularly important because they can have a global impact on the Earth’s temperature. Without greenhouse gases, the Earth’s average temperature would be lots of degrees colder.

In fact, they let in and reflect enough of the sun’s energy to make the Earth 33 degrees Celsius warmer than it would otherwise be. This is what causes the global warming we are experiencing.

Effects Of Climate Change

Pollution has been proven to cause a range of health problems in human beings and no waste management company can solve this problem alone. The effects of pollution are also evident in animal, plant, and insect life as it is. Pollution can be dissolved in the water and then inhaled, or it can be found in the air or soil if bad waste management practices occur.

Air pollution is known to cause a variety of respiratory problems including asthma and cancer. Those who have asthma have a higher risk of developing lung cancer. Water pollution occurs when chemicals or harmful materials are introduced into natural water sources.

Sewage and industrial waste have been known to contaminate waterways, killing off plant and animal life. Water pollution has also been linked to the spread of disease. Some of the chemicals and toxins found in water can also be found in food, causing widespread illness.

Climate Change Solutions

There are many climate change solutions out there to help you make a change in your community and around the world. Some solutions include eating less meat, recycling, volunteering, and much more! Here are some of the best solutions.

One is to buy products made from recycled materials. This way you’re recycling more and not throwing more products into landfills with a dumpster rental.

Another is to compost your food scraps. By doing this, you’ll be giving back to the Earth and making a positive impact. It can be tough to make a difference in a day but everyone can help in their own way. Take part in an event in your community, and learn more ways to stay green by attending workshops and conferences!

How Is Climate Change Affecting The Ocean

It’s becoming increasingly important to understand how climate change is affecting our oceans. Rising temperatures can cause ocean acidification, which harms sea life that make our oceans so beautiful and diverse. Be sure to help your favorite marine animals by joining a climate change study or donating to an ocean conservation group.

If we help our ocean now, they can help us by providing the air wefrecy breathe, the water we drink, and the life that we live.

What is the importance of climate change

To begin, we must understand how the world around us is changing. Climate science enables us to forecast the amount of rain that will fall this winter and the extent to which sea levels will increase due to warmer oceans.

Different Types Of Climate Change

Because of human activities on our planet, we are now seeing the effects of climate change. Different climate change effects are caused by different types of climate change. The main type of climate change to cause the most harm is climate change due to increased CO2 emissions.
This is the most common type of climate change, but it is also one of the most dangerous. Increased CO2 emissions are causing the Earth’s temperature to rise. This causes extreme weather such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and droughts. This type of climate change only occurs because of human activities. If humans continue to pollute the air with CO2, we will see an increase in these types of climate change.

Case Studies On Climate Change

Climate change is a real issue and one that’s been discussed for quite some time. We need to find solutions for reversing the damage that’s been done or face the consequences. But, we can’t do it alone. We need to work together to improve our environment and stop climate change.

One way to fix this is to stop burning fossil fuels, which is the main cause of climate change. We need to use renewable energy sources instead and employ better waste management practices!

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The Current Situation Of Recycling In The USA

Posted By alfredo

Due to their long-term dependence on China, the U.S. recycling infrastructures were never created and there was no cost-effective or efficient way to deal with recycling whenever the market went away.

For the time being, “recycling is a system that needs to compete — and undoubtedly often loses” — for public taxes which is also needed for schools and policing, says Stephanie Kersten-Johnston, a Columbia University adjunct professor and the director of the circular venture at The Recycling Partnership.

“Recycling infrastructure alone won’t suffice if no committed funding is provided. Reducing the cost of landfilling means that recycling will no longer be considered “worthwhile,” so we must start thinking about landfill as what it truly is: a waste of rubbish!

The United States does not even have a public recycling system, making the matter even more complicated, and increasing pollution in the process.

By Kersten count, Johnston’s 20,000 localities in the United States make their own decisions on whether or not to recycle. To prevent conflicting interests, we need to create a common ground and agree on a set of common objectives.”

It’s a collaborative effort between businesses, communities, and individuals such as recyclers, haulers, manufacturers, and consumers.

The Best Waste Management Practices

Here are a few examples of recycling programs that are working.

San Francisco, which aims to have zero waste by 2020, diverts 80% of its garbage from landfills. Residents and businesses in the city are required to sort their garbage into three categories: recyclables go in blue bins, compostables go in green bins (the city diverts 80% of its food waste), and landfill waste goes in black bins.

All food vendors in San Francisco must utilize compostable/recyclable containers and dumpster rentals if needed, as well as every event, must provide recycling and composting options for participants. Shoppers who bring their shopping bags to the counter will be charged 25 cents starting July 1.

Almost % of Los Angeles’ waste is recycled, with a goal of 90 % by 2025. There is a tax credit for businesses that compost a certain amount of food waste, and restaurants are compelled by law to decompose their food waste. It’s also encouraging citizens to recycle and compost, according to a program dubbed “Rethink LA.”

Recycling and composting are mandated by law for all properties in Austin, Texas, which aims to redirect 75 percent of its garbage within the year. At least half of the waste generated by large-scale construction projects must be repurposed or recycled.

Dumpster Rentals to the rescue

Recyclable glass and other materials can be separated into distinct colored containers for recycling in Germany. When packaging material is marked with a green dot, the manufacturer assumes responsibility for the cost of recovery and recycling.

They pay a charge based on the weight of their packaging to have it collected, processed, and recycled by a waste collection business.

About 50% of South Korea’s garbage including 95 percent of its food waste, is recycled, using dumpster rentals and recycling facilities.

By requiring residents to pay according to the weight of their organic trash, the country was able to drastically reduce food waste. The cost of disposing of non-recyclable trash is based on its weight, and recyclables are collected free of charge.

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  • over 2 years ago

Nature Psychology

Elephant Dreams

Posted By alfredo

What does dreaming of an elephant mean?

Dreaming of an elephant, shows that you have to be more tolerant or more understanding towards others.

This dream can also reveal that you think too much about the past, it also indicates that it would be good sometimes to make a clean sweep of the past to advance in your future. The elephant, as everyone knows, is a symbol of power, strength, loyalty and intelligence.

The closed personality of the elephant can be the mirror of your personality, namely, if you dream of a white elephant, symbol of royalty, the dream of pink elephant, has nothing to do with alcohol, because it predicts that the chance is greater.

The dream of a black elephant means that you are very tired, both mentally and physically.

Dreaming that you are on an elephant, shows that you have control of your subconscious and that you have overcome your fears.

Dreaming of being afraid of an elephant in a dream indicates that you are apprehensive or even afraid of facing the problems that are yours. The elephant in a dream also reveals that you need to voice your opinions.

Dreaming of an elephant is generally a good omen according to tradition.

Dream of riding an elephant and you will make a fortune, you can rejoice because you will have deserved it.

This dream also means that you will be an absolute expert in all matters that you undertake, and your word will be law in your home.

Dreaming of many elephants predicts great wealth. Seeing a solitary elephant announces a modest but lasting income.

Feeding an elephant in a dream means that success is possible thanks to the charity of people who rank lower than yours in society.

The elephant is a symbol of strength, he is patient and serene, and he never loses his authority.

Dreaming of an elephant’s trunk, basically represents your sexual interest and your psychological state, similar to dreaming of snakes. The dream of an elephant can also indicate that you are creating problems by the fact that you always want to do well.

Dreaming of an angry elephant, it is likely that a more powerful character than you is exerting pressure. This dream can show that the dreamer or the dreamer with strong sexual needs, a woman who has this dream symbolizes the desire for a sexual partner in accordance with his tastes.

Dreaming of an elephant in the water and bathing comfortably indicates that your fortune is increasing.

Here are other possible interpretations of the elephant dream.

Seeing an elephant straddled by a mahout, symbolizes your strength and your zeal with which you will overcome obstacles, where more simply signals that it is common sense that guides you in life.

Seeing an elephant in a circus can be a warning against an exaggerated pride that would make you look like a jester.

The elephant in dreams, often represents the male sex. It is also said that the elephant who appears in a dream is a sign of friendship.

If you are riding an elephant, powerful protection watches over you.
Feed it: service that will be rendered to you. See an elephant charging in your direction, beware of your opponents, they are more powerful than you thought.

To dream of being on an elephant, predicts that you will acquire a very durable state and that you will deserve honors that you will accept with dignity.

A lonely elephant seen in a dream is the sign of a small but very reliable company.

Here is the meaning of elephant dream according to Nostradamus: for him this animal is a symbol of wisdom, strength and in some dreams it can also represent a form of cruelty and revenge.

If you kill him in your dream of an elephant, it is a bad omen. Seeing an elephant put to death does not bode well for projects and business. Having the dream of an elephant at large is a good sign for prosperity.

The dream of an elephant or mammoth is for Artemidore of Ephesus an announcement of perils of all kinds.

Here is the meaning of the dream of an elephant in Islam. In Islam, dreaming of an elephant attack is a dream that warns the dreamer against something he cannot control.

The dream of a dead, sick or dying elephant in Islam indicates that you are losing your life force. Dreaming of an elephant in a circus, warns in Islam against excessive vanity and the desire to govern. An elephant in captivity in a dream in Islam, means that you lack the energy to implement your projects.

The dream of feeding an elephant, in Islam, may mean that you treat others as you would like to be treated. Washing an elephant in a dream is in Islam the image of love and happiness that will come to you. To see a herd of elephants in Islam is a dream that always announces wealth.

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Is chemical pollution irreversible

Posted By alfredo

Industrial smoke is both chemical pollution and atmospheric pollution, depending on how one chooses to classify this type of pollution. Chemical pollution is pollution caused by chemicals that are normally absent, or present in the environment in (much) lower natural concentrations.

Chemical pollution is therefore a special type of classification of pollution. Pollution is indeed classified according to the nature of their pollutants (chemical like here, physical or biological) or the affected compartment (air, water or soil pollution).

Transport and CO2: what share of emissions

Plane, road, boat, the transport sector is one of the most contributors to global warming, especially since globalization has led to an increase in all kinds of journeys by more and more people and goods.

With 13.41 gigatonnes of CO2 emitted in 2016 worldwide, transport is the second contributor to greenhouse gases behind the production of energy and electricity. And again, emissions due to infrastructure (concrete for the construction of bridges, deforestation, etc.) are not taken into account.

CO2 emissions from transport depend on several factors: the total distance travelled, the number of passengers per vehicle, the fuel used or the type of journey. However, statistics show an increasing number of cars in circulation around the world, as well as an explosion in air traffic and world trade in goods.

Three-quarters of transportation-related emissions are from trucks, buses and cars. The road thus generated 5.85 gigatonnes of CO2 in 2016, according to the IEA. An increase of 77% since 1990. With 0.91 gigatonnes per year, the aircraft comes second. Air transport is therefore globally responsible for 2.8% of CO2 emissions worldwide.

CO2 emissions from transport in France

Thanks to nuclear power, France emits relatively little CO2 for its heating and electricity. The share of transport, which relies almost entirely on the combustion of oil, is therefore logically higher than at world level, at 38%.

This share is constantly increasing, while the other sectors have made notable efforts. Increasingly stringent fuel standards and notable progress by manufacturers are failing to offset the increase in traffic. The number of passenger cars in circulation jumped 40% between 1990 and 2017 and the number of heavy goods vehicles by 6%.

How about better recycling

Everyone is aware of packaging recycling. However, there are still some containers that will end up buried. In recent years, the primary school of some towns and the parents of students have decided to change this by participating in a collection of non-recyclable waste. Such waste management services and new ideas is want is needed in the current climate warming crisis.

Initiated by TerraCycle (an innovative recycling company in the treatment of landforms that are difficult to recycle), this operation aims to recycle and transform the collected waste into objects (benches, play areas or outdoor furniture). In exchange, the children raise funds to finance out-of-school outings.

Trigger sprays, wipe packaging, deodorant cartridges and packaging, pumps and caps for cleaning products, ink cartridges, pens, felt-tip pens, compote gourds, cookie packaging… each unit sent, TerraCycle reverses 4 points ( each point is worth € 0.01) convertible into donations for the school.

This action can raise awareness among many people on re-employment. This initiative makes it possible to make a gesture for the planet while raising useful funds. They contacted families to publicize this initiative and raise awareness of the issue of re-employment as much as possible according to the organizer of this collection.

To help schoolchildren in their harvest and raise more funds, residents and parents can drop off their trash at school, during class outings, or find collection boxes at the local medical office or the town hall.

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Review of iPage

Posted By alfredo

iPage is a budget web hosting provider owned by Endurance International Group (EIG). They started in the year 1998. Its target market is smaller businesses on the entry-level who like to get into the e-commerce arena. 

iPage is a wise choice for budget-conscious and small-business websites. Their hosting package includes a website builder and free access to Weebly – a platform for integrated marketing, and e-commerce websites. With iPage, you can create high-quality sites through a drag-and-drop technique. This means that it is very quick and easy to make an astonishing website.

One more feature alluring to small business owners is the capacity to implement e-commerce add-ons like Paypal integration and shopping cart swiftly. iPage incorporates well with generally used Content Management Systems (CMS) such as such as Magento, Drupal, and WordPress.

Pros of iPage

Here’s a list of the main benefits to iPage:

1.    Plans and features are simple

iPage’s most popular advantage is their simplicity. They offer one shared hosting plan. Which gives unlimited access to three essential “D’s.” These three “D”s are the ones that make up the primary elements of what you are purchasing. iPage allows you to have unlimited Domains. You can have multiple websites on one account. Another inclusion of their package is unlimited Databases. This means that you can install plenty of software to run the existing sites on your account. And the last element in is the Disk Space. They provide enough storage space on your servers.

Moreover, iPage gives unlimited email addresses. You can also get one-year domain registration for free.

2.    Inexpensive Pricing

What internet marketers love the most about iPage is their cheap pricing.

You can able to get an iPage Hosting for only $1.99 per month. They are the most inexpensive web hosts available in the industry nowadays. That’s why many small businesses choose iPage as a hosting company.

This cheapest rate of $1.99 per month does not only apply to their long-term deals (approximately 35 months of subscription) but also to their shorter deals – 12 months in minimum.

This means that you don’t have to get locked into paying for long-term deals to get the lowest monthly rate.

3. Trustworthy Customer Support

You may not believe it, but iPage does have excellent and reliable customer support. Not all cheap deals have bad services. iPage does break this trend. They were able to make sure to provide stable support for all of their clients.

Reaching iPage’s customer support team is simple. You can contact them through their online ticketing system which is available 24/7. You can chat with them anytime or may speak over the phone. They are going to answer all your queries, and give you the best solutions to your site concerns. If in the case that you are not satisfied with their services, iPage provides a 30-day money-back guarantee. So, you can have your full refund whenever you don’t get the service you expected to have.

3.    Enhanced Security Options

When you purchase iPage Hosting plans, you are going to have a SiteLock security suite. This is a security frontline for your website. Everyone needs this kind of feature to obtain the highest protection for your site.

What SiteLock does is that it helps in preventing undesirable security breaches through scanning malware issues on a regular basis. It is also going to remove any malicious thing on your website depending on the hosting plan you buy.

iPage also utilize a firewall to prevent possible security leaks. And one last thing they include in their package which is very impressive is the backups. You can have unlimited revisions of your website as it is effortless for you to restore a prior version immediately. 

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Review of Namecheap

Posted By alfredo

NameCheap has been operating since the year 2000. It is an affordable web hosting service which everyone might surely like. It provides excellent value when we talk about general hosting, but like any other hosting, it also has limits in their starter plans.

From the company name itself, NameCheap has low prices for its plans but does have reliable high-performance. Below is a list of the distinctive features NameCheap has.

  • The uptime service level agreement is approximately 100%. Whenever this feature is not attained, you are going to get credits.
  • Each element has various redundancies, whether it’s the network card or the high speed of the servers, and even the network cards.
  • The hosting uses the newest server technology from famous brands such as Supermicro, HP, and Dell.
  • Pages created in this hosting load entirely fast which is very important in all businesses.
  • It has cPanel which makes life even better and more comfortable. Everyone uses cPanel.
  • It has an installer that allows you to use WordPress or whatsoever apps you have with only a few clicks called Softaculous. You may able update your applications efficiently, and maintain it with no hassles.
  • Your hosting package can be upgraded easily. So, whenever your business grows too big, and your existing package can no longer handle it, then you can instantly upgrade your Namecheap plan.
  • The Ultimate package provides disk space that is unlimited. But, remember that you can only use it for your website alone. You are not allowed to use it for any purposes as mandated in Namecheap’s terms and conditions.
  • Daily backups are ensured. There are also some other plans that have backups done twice daily.
  • More than 100 is allowed for single click apps.
  • There is only one contact point for support and payments. 
  • They have reliable customer support which response to inquiries immediately. 
  • No contracts needed.
  • Transfer of websites from other web hosting providers is allowed.
  • It is quick and easy to purchase a domain in NameCheap.

The overall user experience in NameCheap is impressive. The check-out process for its domain registrar is smooth and fast. They are no delays and no hidden fees. Once you check-out a plan in NameCheap, you are sure that you get the service that you have paid for. The process has no tricks at all, and you won’t get annoyed with upselling tactics because it is very minimal.

Namecheap offers a good search engine. You can get lots of domain name suggestions because they have a large domain name registry. 

If you enter NameCheap’s website, you can notice that it does not contain bells and whistles similar to larger hosting companies or competitors. They sustain their simple system. You can speak with their customer support instantly through a live chat.

What is very impressive about NameCheap is its independence. Corporations operate most of the hosting companies. NameCheap is solely owned and operated which enables them to craft exceptional brand values and stands out among top budget hosting companies. 

Moreover, they got transparent pricing as what have mentioned earlier. This means there are no hidden fees, no upsell and renewal structures.


NameCheap is a stable and trustworthy company for your web hosting needs. They offer an outstanding service, a neat and stress-free domain manager, and strong security and protection that ensures the safety of your domain.

Namecheap does not have as lots of specialist plans as compared to other hosts, but if you want to have general hosting or can be able to manage any web developing tasks by yourself, it provides genuine value and some useful add-ons.

Because of its wide variation of useful features, many online marketers trust NameCheap as their hosting company.

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